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Keep your standards on top with salonspy

You don’t need us to tell you how important client feedback is for your business. Duh! From mailing out client questionnaires to asking clients as they leave the salon how was their visit, all salon owners need a slick and professional way to monitor team and salon performance. Recently, we introduced you to salonspy and talked about the importance and power of customer reviews. Now, we have some more info coming straight from the industry pros who have been using this amazing service.

salonspy is providing verified, post-appointment insights and feedback into team and salon performance, allowing hair and beauty salons to fine tune their business whilst building their online reputation.What could be simpler?

Take it from the pros

Two salon owners who have used salonspy are Darren Messias of the KH Group based in the Midlands and Colin MacAndrew of Medusa based in Edinburgh. We got the lowdown from Darren and Colin on why salonspy works for their businesses.

Darren Messias

Darren Messias says: ”We had sent out by post and email questionnaires to clients and also used a mystery shopper service, and we did not get the results that we wanted. Clients didn’t respond to filling out forms and when Adam Thomas, founder of salonspy presented the concept to us – we couldn’t believe how simple it was and what incredible results it provided. The open rate and response to a text message is so much higher than an email or letter and we liked that we received feedback in real time. Each Monday we receive an email from salonspy, which gives us details of the top salon review and the top individual review. I then share this with the team and it really encourages them to stay at the top of their game and ensure the standards of service and hairdressing provided is exemplary. It provides us with an opportunity to speak to the client straight away and rectify the review. Clients appreciate and respond positively to this pro-active approach. salonspy is an integral part of my business strategy, and is as relevant to a business whether you have one salon or a hundred salons.

Colin McAndrew

Colin McAndrew says: ”I look at salonspy as Trip Advisor for the hair and beauty world. It provides clients with peace of mind  and gives the salon owner the ability to track the team and to measure and manage their performance. I regularly use our reviews in appraisals and they’ve become so important to us that we’ve introduced them into our company’s annual awards as a barometer of company standards. Clients are exceptionally responsive to text messaging and now we have a platform to showcase our reviews, respond to them in real time and share them with the team. I’d never berate anyone for a bad review, it’s a learning process and allows us to improve what we do, one which enables us to grow the team and manage client feedback.”

Sounds good, right? To find out how salonspy can help you measure your standards by mastering the art of ”good spying” visit

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