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Bruno Marc talks sustainability

Bruno Marc talks to us about the growing importance of sustainability in hairdressing. With consumers increasingly prioritising eco-friendly products and practices, it has become clear that businesses must adapt to meet these evolving demands. Implementing sustainable practices not only benefits the environment but also positions companies for long-term success in a market that values social and environmental responsibility.

Photo credit: London Recycles website

What do we know?

‘Today’s consumers are more environmentally conscious than ever before, seeking out products and services that minimise their ecological footprint,’ says Bruno. ‘ Adopting sustainable practices can help businesses stand out in a competitive market. As more consumers seek out eco-friendly options, companies that prioritise sustainability will have a distinct advantage. By showcasing their commitment to the environment through marketing and branding efforts, businesses can attract environmentally conscious customers and differentiate themselves from competitors who are yet to embrace sustainability.’

‘Implementing sustainable practices can lead to increased efficiency and cost savings. For example, investing in energy-efficient equipment and lighting can significantly reduce energy bills, while adopting water-saving techniques can lower water costs. Additionally, streamlining processes and minimising waste can improve overall efficiency, leading to increased profitability.’

‘Sustainable practices also contribute to a healthier work environment for employees. By using eco-friendly products and minimising exposure to harsh chemicals, businesses can create a safer and more pleasant atmosphere for their staff. This, in turn, can boost employee morale, productivity, and retention, as workers appreciate being part of a company that prioritises their well-being and the environment.’

7 sustainability tips

  • Reduce water consumption: Install low-flow showerheads, use dry cutting techniques when possible, and be mindful of water usage during washing and rinsing.
  • Switch to eco-friendly products: Choose products, such as hair towels, that are biodegradable, have minimal packaging or have cruelty-free certifications. Also look for brands that offer refillable or recyclable options.
  • Implement a recycling program: Properly separate and recycle materials such as hair, foils, colour tubes, plastics, and paper. Partner with recycling companies that specialise in salon waste.
  • Reduce single-use items: Replace disposable items like cups, stirrers, and towels with reusable alternatives.
  • Educate and involve your team: Train your staff on sustainable practices and encourage them to contribute ideas for improving the salon’s environmental impact. Try to foster a culture of sustainability within your team.
  • Offer green services: Introduce eco-friendly services like organic colour treatments, vegan hair care, and low-chemical options to cater to environmentally conscious clients.
  • Communicate your sustainability efforts: Share your salon’s eco-friendly practices with clients through social media, in-salon displays, and conversations. Educate clients on how they can support sustainability and make environmentally conscious choices in their own hair care routines.

By implementing these tips, hair salons can significantly reduce their environmental impact, attract eco-conscious clients, and contribute to a more sustainable future for the industry.

For more of the latest industry news, click HERE.


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