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Slavic Folklore

Slavic Renaissance in contempory style from Emily Sweetman as she delivers a calm study of how the old and new combine for stunning effect! How cool is this… The inspiration behind this collection was ancient Slavic paganism and the grandeur of the Renaissance.

Emily says: “Indigenous Slavs where nomadic people, with pagan culture rich in Folklore. The renaissance was a time of glory and significance in art. Marrying these two subjects to- gether, this is my vision of a what woman from such a world would be. The hair is structured with simplicity, here you find hair moulded into form that reveals the shape of the skull, Ornamented braids, Symbolic roses. Richness in colour inspired by those used in Renaissance paintings. Opulence and tenacity with a dark undertone.”

Photographer: CONRAD LEE @conradleephotography Hair stylist: EMILY SWEETMAN @wanderinghairdresser Assistant: LLIAN VARESCHI @ilianhair LEAH SMITH @leah3799 BRAD PERRY @brad_perry_hairstyle
Makeup artist: SIMON JAMES @si.james Fashion stylist: CATHERINE BARMLEY @lady.catherine Photography assistant & videography: JANA KROSLAKOVA @janiikroslakova Models: LUCY EVENS @lucyzoeevans at MILK MANAGMENT @milkmodelman- agement, MILLIE MOUNTAIN @millie_mountain at OXYGEN MODELS @oxy- gen.models, AMY CANNING @canning_amy at LENIS MODELS @lenis_models


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