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Discarded collection: Kerrie DiMattia

There are times in life that we forget something we now view as old, run-down or discarded was once in its prime; a thing of beauty, iconic and something to be cherished. This message is at the heart of Discarded by Kerrie DiMattia.

“The Discarded imagery has an editorial vibe,” explains Sydney-based hairdresser Kerrie. “While the styling has just a hint of nostalgia – the focus is on classically beautiful hair that is uncomplicated, simplistic and authentic. The use of the morning light streaming through grimy windows eludes to one final dusk til dawn celebration, reminiscent of the glory of the venue’s history.”

She adds: “Whether we are talking about structures, possessions or people, the fact remains, we have a habit of casting aside or dismissing those that we perceive as “past their prime“ when in fact what we should be doing is celebrating what was and soaking up the culture, history and richness from the experience of days gone by.


Hair: Kerrie Dimattia, Photography: Pixie Bella Photography, Make-up: Sharon Fallon and Candice Chevalley, Styling: Katie Sutton

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